We’re a independent, family run, production company, focusing on short film, animation, web shows, documentaries and commercials.
    Media creation is a passion for our family, starting over 25 years ago with print design and production. (We also own a commercial printing & graphics company, www.AMprinting.com.)
    As our interests and our children’s interests evolved, we sought out opportunities to expand creativity. Animation and film became a natural step for us to make from traditional graphic communication. Technology has made it more affordable to create and distribute all types of media, and has allowed us to expand our passion for storytelling.
    Not only have we been able to develop our own ideas, but it has allowed us to work with some very talented people to produce their vision. We’ve found the collaborative nature of creating media to be an incredible benefit.
    We appreciate an input from our viewers and other creatives. Please drop us a note.

Our mission is to create quality media that will entertain, encourage, and educate in order to positively inspire our culture.

Our mission is to create quality media that will entertain, encourage, and educate in order to positively inspire our culture.

Copyright 2023 Mind404 Productions